My exams are OVERRRRR. Awesome,right? You would think I would feel liberated and want to paint the town red but I don't. For some reason, this summer seems different. I don't know why. Maybe it's because I am starting a 3 month internship from next Monday. Maybe I have not ended my school term on a good note. Maybe, maybe not. Who knows.
Well today I went to catch Iron Man 3! It was a free ticket too but too bad I did not manage to catch the last scene! I googled when I got home and there was one!! Which means I have to go again, I must. After the movie, I immediately went back home and decided to cook dinner and a nice traditional wife should....BUT IT SUCKED. hahahaha. Seriously. Let me show you what I made:
Oh my It's a f*cking sandwich. |
After I made this atrocious dinner, I baked. Due to my financial circumstances and baking depression (that I get whenever some cupcake/cake/pie/cookie does not turn out right), I cheat-baked. I bought instant. I pretended to be fucking Betty Crocker and baked. You might say to me -"Hey Shanaaz, that's okay. The cakes will turn out nice and you will feel good" and add a semicolon and a closing parentheses at the end to make me feel better.
Well, I didn't feel better.
The cupcakes I made sucked. I don't know why either. I try and try but seems like I am getting worse and worse at this baking thing. People say practice make perfect. Evidently, it is not applicable to me because I am abnormal. Damn it. (WHY GOD WHY).
However, I have not tried frosting from a can in a looong time. It's not too bad. I might get one of these bad boys whenever I am depressed and dip chocolate chip cookies into it. *Bookmarked* My mind.. bookmarked that that I.. yeah.. okay. You get the point.
Well, a stupid bug has flown into my room now. That's why I always close my windows in my room- No one ever understands why. Gawd. So annoyingg. Alright, bimbo Shanaaz seems to be crawling out as well. I would say I am going to head to bed-but I am not. I am just going to lie down and google/youtube weird facts that I want to know...or a good tuna sandwich recipe.
Till then...Good Night.